Oppimispäiväkirja / Learning Diary

15 kommenttia:

  1. Hey! Please add some comments or learning experiences here! Any further questions?

    A few years ago in spring I was hiking in Helvetinjärvi´s national park with my schoolfriends. Park is located in Finland, Ruovesi. It is famous for its gulleys and cliffs which can rise as high as 210 meters above sea level.

    We started to plan the trip early. For example we had to decide what kind of food we should take with us (because we had to carry everything with us), who is in charge of the emergency aid and so on. It´s important to plan your trip well.
    Our menu: porridge, instant coffee and teabags, minced meat (dried), italian casserole, bread, cold cuts, chocolate and water.

    I don´t remember how long was the hike, but I remember it rained the whole first day and my sleeping bag got wet. I dried it by the campfire in the evening. We didn´t have any special activities, hiking in nature was enough. But in the night sleeping in a wickets in forest was exciting experience. In the morning I cooked porridge with portable stove and it tastet so good, and I even don´t like porridge! After breakfast we cleaned our trace (because it´s iportant you don´t leave any trash behind) and headed the same way back.

    That was one of experiences I will never forget, and note to myself: pack everything in plastic bags and don´t forget your insect spray!

  3. Tarmo / 21.4.2017


    Valassaari is part of the group of islands in Finland and it is one of the Global heritage areas. Before it has been used as a base for fisherman but nowadays its sanctuary for birds. There is also an iron lighthouse which has been built in 1886 and it has been designed by the same engineer as Eiffel tower.

    I got to observe birds autumn move with my friend a few years ago. We captured owls with a net and they were checked and ringed before let back to nature. We captured over 60 owls in one night. We put loudspeakers outside, which played owls own singing and attracted the birds into the net. Suddenly the speakers turned off and we went outside to see why. There was a fox which had bitten the cores broken!

    One morning we hiked to the lighthouse, which we had got keys in. It was 36 meters high and we climbed all the way up. The silence of nature, packed breakfast and sunrise, sitting inside the red lighthouse, are memories I cherish for a long time.

  4. What have I learned so far from this process
    During this process, I have learned, that there is not only one right way to do outdoor activities and experiential outdoor adventure learning. There are some similarities in activities, but every exercise and group are different and instructor must notice this. There are numerous of exercises you can choose from but you must know which are the best for the group. So it is important to know skills the group has and act by it.

    One learning point for me will be editing and recording the films and publishing them on the internet. I have done some photographing but making this kind of films is new to me. Luckily I hope I am a fast learner!
    Whole this process has been exciting and new to me and it is nice to go to Pietari and learn more about the city and the people in it. I think the outcome is what benefits everybody.

  5. 1. What I already know about experiental outdoor pedagogy (EOP)?
    Experiental outdoor pedagogy complements traditional education. It is aimed at working in a group to achieve a common goal. EOP rallies the group, helps to understand the person himself and the world around him.

    2. What would I like to learn about experiental outdoor pedagogy?
    I would like to learn about the methods of EOP. What conditions are necessary for this? Is it possible to apply this method of education everywhere?

    3. How could I use in my future work / study projects?
    I think I can actively use EOP in the teacher's work, because the children really like it. Also, experiental outdoor pedagogy is conected with the excursion. I dream of becoming a guide and I think that it will be useful for me to learn about this.

    4. Am I familiar with making and editing of short educational videoclips (iMovie, Youtube etc...?)
    Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with this.

  6. 1. What I already know about experiential outdoor pedagogy (EOP)?
    Summing up the picture of EOP, it is an alternative pedagogy which shifts the focus from the theoretical classical learning towards the self-development. It gets achieved through decision-making in certain circumstances and active engagement into group work. Furthermore, it refers to multiple sides of an individual's growing.

    2. What would I like to learn about experiential outdoor pedagogy?
    I am interested in the methods and various approaches of EOP; if there are any links with different personalities, maybe some of the methods are considered to be potentially more influential on the certain groups of people.

    3. How could I use in my future work / study projects?
    Such projects definitely might help me out with the ability of thinking out of the box. Moreover, I believe the actual experience brings me deeper understanding of people I will work with, so it may positively influence the quality of my work.

    4. Am I familiar with making and editing of short educational videoclips (iMovie, Youtube etc...?)
    Unfortunately, I don't really have wide practice of video creation.


  7. Thanks for comments Dasha and Appolinaria!
    I hope you have a little time to comment on this, if You haven't done it already. :-)

    See You on monday!

  8. Olga Polina Alyona Lera17. toukokuuta 2017 klo 3.23

    Yesterday we went to Vyborg and we were walking in the city, also we went to the Vyborg´s department of young people. Vyborg is an old town. Some of us were the first time at this place. We had a lot of photos with our Finnish friends. Olga had a trip to the shelter of children, it was the first time for her in the shelter and she had really pleasure because of communication with children. After this Tuesday we had a lot of great emotions. Today we played the Finnish games, it was so funny. And we especially liked the game with "magic carpet". We had funny time together :)

  9. Monday and Tuesday were very emotional!
    Our first meeting had a very warm atmosphere, we communicated with each other and shared interesting facts. I don't speak English very well, so it was a bit difficult for me, but communicating with you is a great opportunity to practice in English and to have fun at the same time!
    On Tuesday we played various games that were very interesting and fun)) Especially I liked the game with a lot of pictures like a "zoom", exercise in which we must turn a sheet of paper into a circle and outdoor game "Live camera"))
    The games you offer are very similar to games that counselors usually use in a summer camp. This summer I will work as a counselor so such exercises will be very useful for me!
    Time with you flies unnoticed! Thank you very much☺
    I really wanted to join you in the lecture today, but Polina and I just couldn't find you. I was upset because the reason isn't serious and even stupid. I'm sorry for not being with you today.

  10. Matka Pietariin alkoi aikaisin aamulla Tampereen rautatieasemalta. Jännittyneenä tapasimme ryhmän kanssa. Olimme aiemmin tavanneet vain Zoom- verkkoyhteyden kautta. Juttu lähti kuitenkin saman tien luistamaan ja seikkailu saattoi alkaa.

    Junalla matkustaminen Pietariin oli suhteellisen helppoa ja nopeaa. Ryhmäviisumin turvin junassa pärjäsi vain passia näyttämällä ja pian olimmekin jo ylittäneet Suomen ja Venäjän välisen rajan. Maisemissa siinsi Viipuri ja siitä matka jatkui kohti Pietaria.

    Pietariin saavuttuamme hyvästelimme hetkeksi toisen puolen ryhmästämme eli sosionomi-opiskelijat ja lähdimme kohti omaa majoituspaikkaamme eli Hotelli Nevski Bereg 122:sta. Hotelliin majoituttuamme alkoikin jo olla kiire tapaamiseemme Herzenin yliopistolla. Iltapäivä kului Hertzenin yliopiston opiskelijoihin tutustuessa erilaisten elämyspedagogisten harjoitusten myötä. Kävimme myös läpi elämyspedagogiikan perusteita sekä tarkastelimme ja suunnittelimme loppuviikon ohjelmaa. Sovimme venäläisten opiskelijoiden kanssa seuraavasta päivästä eli osa opiskelijoista lähtisi sosionomiopiskelijoiden mukana Viipuriin ja osa jäisi Pietariin kuvaamaan harjoitteita Herzenin ympäristössä.

    Tämän jälkeen tapasimme jälleen sosiomomiopiskelijat, lähdimme syömään ja sen jälkeen venäläiset opiskelijat järjestivät meille kaupunkikierroksen ja näimme upeita vanhoja rakennuksia ja nähtävyyksiä. Pitkän päivän jälkeen palasimme hotellille ja valmistauduimme yöunille.

    Päivä oli pitkä, mutta ehdimme hiukan tutustua kaupunkiin ja toisiimme.

    Our journey to St.Petersburg started early monday morning on Tampere railwaystation. We were very excited because we have met each other only throuhg zoom-connection. But it was easy to start a conversation and our adventure could begin!

    Traveling to St.Petersburg by train was quite easy and quick. With the group visas we could just show passports in the train and soon we were crossing the border between Finland and Russia. We could see the Vyborg from the window and we continued to St. Petersburg.

    When we arrived to St.Petersburg we said goodbye for a while to half of our group who were the social science students. We continued to our hotel which was Nevski Bereg 122. After that we left to our meeting on Herzen university. On the afternoon we get to know the Russian students and get to know them better by making a different kind of tasks based on the adventure education teknique. We also looked forward to our schedule of the week and agreed who would go to Vyborg on tuesday with social science students and who will stay in St.Petersburg and film exercices in Herzen University area.

    After that we met the social science students, went to have a dinner together and then the russian students gave us tour in the city where we saw beautiful old buildings and sights. After a very long day we came back to the hotel and prepared to go to sleep.

    Day was long, but allthough we had a chance to get to know the city and each other.

    Minna P

  11. Toinen päivä

    Aamupalan jälkeen suuntasimme oman pienryhmämme kanssa Herzenin yliopistolle. Toinen pienryhmä oli lähtenyt jo aikaisemmin aamulla sosionomiopiskelijoiden kanssa Viipuriin, jossa he vierailisivat lastenkodissa. Meidän aamupäivämme ohjelmaan kuului erilaisten elämyspedagogisten harjoitteiden tekemistä ja kuvaamista venäläisten opiskelijoiden kanssa. Teimme harjoitteita sekä sisällä, että ulkona Herzenin alueella. Teimme pääasiassa tutustumiseen ja ryhmäytymiseen liittyviä tehtäviä. Yksi meistä kuvasi vuorollaan, kun muut tekivät harjoitteita.
    Lounaan jälkeen aloitimme kuvattujen harjoitteiden siirtämisen Youtubeen ja se olikin vaikein osa, koska Wi-Fi- yhteydet toimivat hitaasti ja pätkivät tämän tästä. Omalla hotellillamme toimi lopulta Wi-Fi huoneissa parhaiten, joten teimme loppupäivän työt siellä.
    Oman pienryhmämme kanssa suuntasimme illalla tutustumaan hotellin lähiympäristöön ja päädyimme syömään armenialaiseen ravintolaan. Palattuamme hotelliin saimme vielä katsoa Suomen jääkiekko-ottelua hotellin konferenssitilassa isolta screeniltä.

    Second day
    After the breakfast half of our group went to the Herzen university and other half went to the Vyborg with the social science students. In Vyborg they visited the local shelter house. I went with other group to the Herzen. In Herzen we did some interior and exterior practises with Russian studets. We did some grouping tasks and played sozialising games. One of us filmed the practises.
    After the lunch we began editing the filmed material and it was a bit difficult because of the bad Wi-Fi connection. Finally we worked in our hotel because the internet worked better there.
    In the evening we had dinner in the Armenian restaurant and watched ice hockey in out hotel.

    Johanna V

  12. Kolmas päivä

    Aamumme alkoi jo klo 7.00 aamupalalla, koska olimme lähdössä sosionomiopiskelijoiden kanssa tutustumaan Transit- Prijut lastenkotiin. Lastenkoti sijaitsi Pietarissa noin puolen tunnin bussimatkan päässä Herzenin yliopistolta. Lastenkodissa on yhteensä paikat 60 lapselle ja tällä hetkellä siellä asui noin 40 lasta.

    Lastenkodin tarkoitus on olla väliaikainen sijoituspaikka lapsille, jotka eivät syystä tai toisesta voi asua vanhempiensa kanssa, joilta perheet ovat kuolleet tai myös lapsille, joilla ei minkäänlaisia henkilöllisyyspapereita. Lapset voivat siis olla laittomien siirtolaisten lapsia tai jopa ihmiskaupan uhreja.

    Transit-Prijutissa lapset asuvat eri kerroksissa pojat ja tytöt erikseen. Jokaisessa kerroksessa työskentelee 2 hoitajaa ja laitoksessa työskentelee myös 4 psykoterapeuttia ja 6 sosiaalityöntekijää, joista osa on lasten kanssa ja osa hoitaa paperitöitä, lääkäri sekä opettajia.

    Psykoterapeuttien tavoite on auttaa lapsia stressin hallinnassa vaikeissa tilanteissa ja hoitaa tarumaa vaikkapa kuolemantapauksien yhteydessä. Heillä on yksilöllisiä tapaamisia ja lapsi voi valita terapeutti. Lapsilla on mahdollisuus käydä koulua ja tässä pyritään huomioimaan heidän lähtötasonsa. Saattaa olla 13-vuotias lapsi, joka ei osaa kirjoittaa eikä lukea.

    Lapset päätyvät lastenkotiin erilaisten syiden vuoksi. Osa pakenee väkivaltaa, päihteiden käyttöä ja eri tasoista hyväksikäyttöä, osa on menettänyt perheensä. Poliisi toimittaa lapsen lastenkotiin ja joskus lapset tulevat sinne myös itse. Lapset tulevat kaikkialta Venäjältä, joten välttämättä he eivät osaa edes venäjän kieltä. Tämän vuoksi isoin ongelma on paperittomuus eli kuinka saadaan lapselle löydettyä henkilöllisyys, jotta hän voi olla ja elää. Lastenkoti yrittää löytää jonkun lapsen sukulaisen ja hänet yritetään palauttaa sille alueelle mistä hän on kotoisin.

    Lastenkoti saa hallitukselta rahoitusta, mutta osa lapsista joutuu odottamaan lastenkodissa koska ei ole varaa häntä palauttaa alueelle, josta hän on kotoisin.

    Lastenkodissa sosionomi-opiskelijat saivat myös järjestää lapsille toimintatuokion. Lapset muovailivat voimaeläimiä, painoivat itselleen t-paidat ja tekivät rannekoruja. Lapset olivat innoissaan kaikesta tekemisestä.

    Lastenkodista jatkoimme matkaa takaisin Herzeniä ja täällä tapasimme toisen puolen ryhmästämme. Kävimme läpi tähän mennessä aikaansaatuja asioita ja sovimme seuraavan päivän ohjelmasta.

    Lähdimme syömään, jonka jälkeen oli aikaa lähteä tutustumaan yhteen nähtävyyksistä eli Eremitaasiin. Valtavat isot salit ja monumentaaliset rakennukset olivat vaikuttavia. Täällä olisi saanut kulumaan koko päivän aikaa, mutta kaksi tuntia meni nopeasti.

  13. Third day

    We had early breakfast because we were going to Transit- Prijut shelterhouse with sosial science students. Shelterhouse locates in half an hour way from Herzen Univeristy by bus. In Transit-Prijut there is a place for 60 children maximum and for now there lives 40 children.

    This shelterhouse supposed to be temporary place for children who cannot live at home for some reason or have lost their whole family. There is also children who have no ID. They can be illegal immigrants or even a victims of a international human traffic.

    In Transit-Prijutchildren live in different floors depend on their age and gender. In each floor there is 2 nurses and all together 4 psykoterapists and 6 sosialworkers for the children. There is also a doctor and teachers involved.

    Psykoterapists help children with their stress in difficult situations and traumas such as lost of their parents. They have chance to choose the terapist they like the most. They also have a chance to go to school. Some of the children do not know how to read or write.

    Children come to Transit- Prijut for a several reasons. There can be problems such as alcoholism, drugs or different kind of abuse. Some of them had lost their whole family. Police will bring them to shelter or some of come by them self. Children come from alla over the Russia and some of them even dont´t speak russian language it is very hard to communicate with them. Therefore the biggest problems is that they don´t have any identification. Shelter tries to find some relative or other place from the area child comes from and return the child there.

    Goverment gives money to shelter time to time but sometimes children must wait the return in shelter because there is no money at the time.

    Social science students organized some activities to children such as making own t-shirts and power animals. They were very exites about making those.

    After the visit we returned back to Herzen univeristy and had a little chat about what we have accomplished so far and make a schedule for the next day.

    We went to have dinner and also managed to find time to go to Eremitase which was amazing, beautiful and very monumental. We stayed there for two hours and there would have been something to see for the whole day.

  14. Neljäs päivä

    Vietimme aamupäivän hotellilla videoita editoiden ja siirtäen niitä blogiin sekä kirjoittamalla oppimispäiväkirjaa. Lähdimme viereiseen ravintolaan lounaalle, jonka jälkeen siirryimme jälleen Herzenin yliopistolle, jossa tapasimme Venäläiset opiskelijat. Kävimme heidän kanssaan läpi venäläisenja suomalaisen koulutusjärjestelmän eroja ja samankaltaisuuksia. Oli todella mielenkiintoista kuulla kuinka toisessa maassa toimitaan. Tämän jälkeen meillä oli sovittu tapaaminen paikan dekaanin kanssa. Hän oli 77-vuotias ja nähnyt ja elänyt läpi erilaisten aikojen.

    Tapaamisen jälkeen kävimme ostamassa matkamuistoja ja valmistauduimme yhteiseen illalliseen, johon osallistui opettajaopiskelijat sekä venäläiset opiskelijat. Söimme maistuvaa venäläistä ruokaa ja juhlimme onnistunutta projektia.

    Fourth day

    We spend the morning on a hotel editing videos, downloading them to the blog and writing our learning diary. After lunch, we went again to Herzen University where we met the Russian students. We had a great conversation about similarities and differences between Finnish and Russian education system. It was very interesting. After that, we had a meeting with the Dean. He was 77-years old and seen and lived through different times.

    After the meeting, we went to buy some souvenirs and prepared to our last evening at St. Peterburg.
    We had a great local food in the Russian restaurant and celebrate our project.

    Viides päivä

    Aamulla pakkasimme matkalaukut, kirjauduimme ulos hotellista ja suuntasimme kohti Herzenin yliopistoa, jossa pitäisimme vielä loppuseminaarin ennen lähtöämme. Loppuseminaarin aikana kävimme läpi asioita joita olemme viiden päivän aikana oppineet. Blogin kirjoittamisessa ja videoiden kuvaamisessa ja editoimisessa oli omat haasteensa ja näissä varmasti jokainen kehityimme projektin aikana. Suurin asia kuitenkin se, että saimme tutustua upeisiin uusiin ihmisiin ja toiseen kulttuuriin. Opimme selviytymään erilaisista haasteista ja vastoinkäymisistä. Kiitos kaikille mukana olleille. Oli todella ilo tutustua kaikkiin teihin ja tehdä töitä kanssanne.

    In the morning we packed our bags, check-out from the hotel and left to Herzen where we had the last seminar about what we had accomplished. There we had a conversation about what we had learned in a past five days. There were challenges about writing, filming and editing in a blog and I think we all developed in those during the week. The biggest thing, however, was that we had a chance to meet a great people and learned a lot about the different culture. We learned how to survive with different kind of challenges and adversity. Thanks for all the people involved. It was a pleasure to meet and to work with you all.

  15. This study trip was definitely one the best experiences in my life and it exceeded all my expectations. I only wish that we would had more time than 5 days to learn more about Russian culture and educational system, children's conditions, St. Petersburg and Vyborg. Trip to Dikoni children's shelter home was very emotional and I spent time there playing with a little girl (Nadja) who reminded me of my own daughters back in Finland. I wish Tamk and Herzen University continue working actively together. I want to thank everyone who attended to this experience. It was all the people collaborating together which truly made this experience unique.


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